Monday, June 18, 2012

Garage Storage Ideas to Help Keep Your Garage Organized

You can maximize the use of your garage by using available space for storage. Many homes have enough space for storing gardening tools, old furniture, automotive equipment, and carpentry tools. Without proper storage cabinets in your garage, the area could get cluttered.

Here are a few garage storage ideas to help you in keeping your things in an orderly manner.

If you think you don't need to plan your storage area properly, think about the clutter you may cause. The keyword here is organization. Organizing all of your things will make storage and retrieval easier. You can also free more space by further arranging everything you store.

Those who like sending unused garbage to the garage should consider putting them in boxes. Believe it or not, trash appears to be neater when concealed in boxes. Boxes can also be used to store items that can still be of good use in the future. Think of a storeroom as a place where you can put all of the items that may or may no longer be used in the future. At some point though, you will have to decide on which ones to keep and which ones to throw away.

When to discard items in the storeroom?

Some people cannot let go of old clutter. But when should you dispose of things in the storeroom? If you have had things for about two years and have never used them since, it's probably time to get rid of them. Sort out objects in the area and identify the items you have not been using for quite some time. Gather the unused items and take them to a recycling facility. However, it would be better if you just sell those things that you don't need any more in a garage sale, because what might be useless for you may be useful for someone else. Just don't sell those that are damaged. You will be surprised at how much space is freed, once you get rid of those things that you don't need any more.

Store tools properly.

Once you have freed space by disposing of or selling unused items, you can now start planning on how your garage storage should look like. If you have several tools and equipment pieces to put in the garage, consider installing cabinets or shelves.

You have a number of options. You can opt for vertical storage to save space. This type involves placing boxes one over the other. Shelving would be another way. By installing shelves, you can free a lot of floor space. However, not everything can be placed in boxes or shelves, such as dangerous garden tools. Rakes should be placed in corners that cannot be reached by children.

Smaller items can be stored in utility cabinets. Nails, screws, and other small things should be isolated from big tools. These small items should be kept properly, especially if you have kids who may roam around and pick up these things naively.

Build sturdy garage storage units.

Whether you are using cabinets or shelves, make sure that they are made of sturdy wood. You should also see to it that they are constructed properly. What is the point of building cabinets and shelves haphazardly? This looks like some piece of work that you may find difficult to work on alone, so consider getting help.

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